Walk-In Hours

B&D Fingerprinting Services LLC

800 N. Rainbow Blvd, Suite 175

Las Vegas, NV 89107


Monday - Friday

9:00am - 5:00pm


9:00am - 12:00pm

(702) 485-5256


Holiday Hours


Veteran's Day

9:00am - 12:00pm

November 27th

9:00am - 12:00pm



November 29th & 30th

9:00am - 12:00pm

December 24th

9:00am - 12:00pm



December 26th

9:00am - 5:00pm

New Year's Eve

9:00am - 12:00pm

New Year's Day



Mobile Services

by Appointment


Please Call for Holiday Hours


Call or E-mail for Questions

(702) 485-5256 (Main Office)




Fingerprinting Services

Nevada State Livescan Fingerprinting


Digital Fingerprint Scanning Process for the State of Nevada for Criminal History Background Checks. Most state processes now require Livescan Digital Processing and Electronic Submission of Fingerprints directly to the Nevada Department of Public Safety.

FBI Background Checks


An FBI National Background Check, also known as a Departmental Order Request, is used to submit a request for a criminal history background check through fingerprint comparison. Only the person being fingerprinted may request a Copy of their own FBI Background Check.

Fingerprint Card Processing


Fingerprint Services that require a physical fingerprint card. Fingerprints can normally be captured electronically and B&D Fingerprinting Services are one of the few companies that are able to still capture fingerprints digitally and print them onto most 8x8 Card-Stock Fingerprint Cards.

Ink Fingerprint Card Processing


Fingerprint Services that require a physical fingerprint card or documents beyond that of the standard 8x8 card-stock fingerprint cards. B&D Fingerprinting Services are one of the few companies that are still offering ink-capturing of fingerprints on various types of documents and even have a notary on-site for specialized documents or overseas paperwork if required.

Mobile Fingerprint Services


On-Site Fingerprint Services provided throughout the State of Nevada, covering mostly Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson. Mobile services are offered to locations beyond the above listed; discounts available for account holders. Our mobile services also include Passport Photos, Ink Fingerprinting, Digital Fingerprinting for state and FBI processing and Card-Stock Fingerpritn Card processing.


Free Employer Account Available with price discounts!

Sign up for an Account to receive Discounts on Mobile and other Services!!


All mobile appointments require a Five (5) persons minimum.

For appointments with less than five beyond the area of Las Vegas and Henderson

Additional fees may be applied.

All fees are subject to change in accordance to state, federal, and other policies.


Payment Options



We accept the following forms of payment; Cash, Business Checks, Discover, Master Card, Visa, and American Express.

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